Gica, also known as Gica Contra—the counterpart of Bastian Contrario—is a design lamp dedicated to my son, Riccardo. Like all children, Riccardo grew up challenging and questioning his parents' opinions, pushing back with his unique perspective on everything. His firm "NO" to my suggestions, rules, and ideas became a familiar refrain in our home. This playful tension, a story shared by every parent and child, gave me the inspiration to create Gica.
One evening, after yet another of Riccardo's passionate refusals to agree with me, I sat down and sketched an exclamation mark (!), capturing that powerful moment of resistance. It was the perfect symbol of our exchanges—his resolute "No!" followed by my own astonished response. That exclamation point became the starting point of the lamp.
At its base, a simple circle grounds the design, representing the moment of connection—the meeting point between contrasting perspectives. Rising from this, a thin line embodies the firmness of Riccardo's stand, while a triangle of light extends outward, casting a warm golden yellow glow that infuses the space with a comforting yet vibrant energy. This triangle represents the spark and beauty that arise from these interactions, illuminating the environment with a sense of warmth and individuality.
In its simplicity, Gica Contra isn't just a lamp; it's a reflection of those countless, unforgettable moments between parent and child—a sculpture capable of spreading emotion and visual pleasure, bringing beauty to our lives. This lamp is dedicated to Riccardo, to every "No!" he has confidently declared, and to every heartfelt discussion that followed.